Miracle mama

Miracle Mama
Draining Massage for Pregnancy

Miracle Mama offers a specialized draining massage tailored specifically for pregnant women, addressing the common issues of swollen legs and fluid retention that often cause discomfort during the 9 months of pregnancy. This gentle and delicate treatment utilizes specific manual techniques to achieve effective drainage. The slow and repeated maneuvers, along with light strokes, provide a relaxing effect and release tension.

Draining Massage for Pregnancy


Draining Massage for Pregnancy
  • Promotes more elastic and relaxed skin.

  • Reduces edema (swelling).

  • Alleviates the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

  • Enhances relaxation and improves sleep.

  • Helps prevent stretch marks.

  • Relieves muscle pain in the neck, back, and sciatic nerve.

When it is recommended

Miracle Mama offers numerous beneficial effects and is particularly useful in reducing discomfort associated with physiological changes and hormonal imbalances during pregnancy. The lymphatic drainage techniques employed also help relieve headaches, relax muscles, and stimulate blood circulation.

To ensure comfort and safety for both the mother and the baby, the pregnancy massage is performed with the woman lying in a supine position or on her side.



If you are in the first three months of pregnancy or have any complications, we require authorization from your doctor before providing the treatment.